Version: 4.4.1
Size: 5 Mb
Fabasoft Folio Screenshots
How to install Fabasoft Folio apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Fabasoft Folio Details
The Fabasoft Folio app gives you access to your company’s business documents on your Android smartphone or tablet. Anytime and anywhere. Securely and reliably.With the Fabasoft Folio app you can:
- Access your company’s business documents quickly and easily.
- Read business documents on your Android smartphone/tablet, swipe from document to document.
- Open and edit business documents on your Android smartphone/tablet using integrated apps (e.g. with ThinkFree Office).
- Upload images, music and videos from your libraries into Folio – even multiple files at the same time.
- Upload documents from other apps into Folio (e.g. e-mail attachments).
- Synchronize your business documents and folders with your Android smartphone/tablet and access them in offline mode without needing an internet connection.
- Refresh all your documents and folders that you want to access in offline mode with only just one tap.
- Search for data in all your business documents where you have access rights.
- Create new Teamrooms and invite your contacts to Teamrooms.
- Manage your Teamroom invitations (accept or refuse them).
- Send links to your documents or the documents themselves as attachment by e-mail.
The access to business data is only possible with prior authentication.
Fabasoft Folio encompasses the creation, organization and storage of business documents, as well as the informal and structured collaboration within your company.
We offer both on premise installation and operation, as well as “Software as a Service” – where installation and operation takes place via Fabasoft data centers. Fabasoft is ISO 27001 certified, the international standard for IT security. PriceWaterhouseCoopers has successfully tested Fabasoft according to SAS Type II, an important standard for IT operations. This translates into an objectively proven security and reliability for the saving of your business data.
For viewing and editing documents you may use the following third-party apps:
- TXT: OI Notepad, Jota-Editor
- DOC: Thinkfree Write (Thinkfree Office)
- XLS: Thinkfree Calc (Thinkfree Office)
- PDF: Adobe Reader
- HTML: Android HTML viewer
- JPEG, PNG, GIF: Integrated image viewer
For more information about Fabasoft Folio, please visit
What's new in Fabasoft Folio 4.4.1
- Pull to refresh- Action panel shown on the left in landscape mode
- Full screen mode for previews
- Sort folders and Teamrooms by date or name
- Rename folders, Teamrooms and files
- Copy link to folders, Teamrooms and files
- Shake your device or screenshot the app to give feedback
- Improved layout for search
- Search offline in synchronized folders and Teamrooms
- Document provider for easy access by third party applications
- Upload files from other document providers
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How to get Fabasoft Folio lastet apk