ID: de.eiswuxe.animalfunpuzzle
Version: 1.6
Size: 40 Mb
Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers Screenshots
How to install Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers Description
Now with 30 puzzles!You can switch from easy to normal difficulty to make the puzzles more challenging once your kid gets older.
Some puzzles feature animated animals that wiggle and make sounds, for extra fun!
- 30 puzzles with different "puzzle styles"
- Animated animals that wiggle and make sounds
- puzzles for all ages
- difficulty level to choose from
- easy to learn and control
The first SIX puzzles are FREE. The remaining puzzles can be unlocked easily via inapp-purchase! It's a one-time payment. No hidden costs, no ads, no subscriptions!
If you don't want your child to "accidentally" buy the full version, be sure to setup the PIN-code in your google play store settings!
What's new in Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers 1.6
Fixed broken puzzlesDownload Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers 1.6 unlimited APK
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How to mod Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers 1.6 apk for pc
How to use Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers mod apk
How to mod Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers 1.6 apk
How to get Animal Fun Puzzle for Toddlers mod apk