ID: org.salications.diclopediaadfree
Version: 1.3
Size: 0.6 Mb
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- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
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Diclopedia Ad-free Description
Diclopedia is the the ultimate source of information in the English language. Holding over 10 sources of information, Diclopedia offers you a wide collection of dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias at the touch of your fingertips. You can easily get a comprehensive view of anything you encounter in life. Why bother searching each site for something if you can easily search all of the sites at a single time? Diclopedia certainly relieves you of all this work.Extra Features:
*Ability to choose the default references based on your preference.
*Search history plus the ability to remove all the history or to remove selected entries.
References Include:, Longman, Merriam Webster, Oxford,, Britannica,, and Wikipedia.
Diclopedia: A dictionary, a thesaurus, and an encyclopedia.
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